Remembering Nick Shindo Street

Slideshow played at his memorial service on Nov. 18, 2023

Our beloved founder and Managing Director, Nick Shindo Street, passed away Friday, September 8, 2023. He passed peacefully and was surrounded by his brother, sister-in-law, niece and nephew.

On a sunny November morning his family and friends gathered to celebrate his wonderful life in a memorial service. It was a beautiful blend of Buddhist and Christian traditions and filled with laughter, tears, music, and family members, friends and co-workers who shared how he impacted their lives and the world.

Nick Shindo Street Memorial Slideshow Closing Image
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Retreat Cancellation Policy

Refunds will be available up to two weeks before the retreat.

Later cancelations receive a retreat credit.

Code of Conduct

Alabama Meditation Network

In order to create a safe and welcoming meditation and learning environment, we ask everyone to:

  • Practice acceptance of everyone regardless of gender, race, economic status, or sexual orientation.
  • Cause no harm to others.
  • Refrain from:
    • Sexual misconduct
    • Negative speech
    • The use of drugs or alcohol.
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Terms & Definitions


Any form of present moment practice which has a foundation of body and breath awareness.

Meditation Community:

Any entity that provides group meditation in a community of equanimity, compassion and acceptance, regardless of gender, race, economic status, or sexual orientation.