About the Alabama Meditation Network

Nick Shindo Street

Nick Shindo Street

01/02/1967 – 09/08/2023

Alabama native Nick Street was meditating weekly with several different groups in the Birmingham area. He also had a diverse group of friends who meditated on their own. The only thing missing from his meditation practice was the opportunity for regular, multi-day meditation retreats.

So, on September 10, 2022, Nick gathered the leaders from the Birmingham Shambhala Center, Cahaba River Sangha, Burning Rock Soto Zen group, and Tuscaloosa Zen Meditation Circle, along with a few like-minded friends, to discuss how to network the many groups, individuals, and organizations who meditate in Alabama, and work together to provide state-wide meditation retreats throughout the year.

This group formed the Alabama Mediation Network. AMN is constantly looking for other meditation groups to support and connect with individual meditation practitioners. All of our partners regularly practice meditation as a group, and are open to everyone regardless of gender, race, religion, economic status, and sexual orientation.

If you are a part of a meditation group and would like to join the Alabama Meditation Network, it’s free! Contact us here.

Our logo mark is the Alabama State Flower, the Camellia. The petals represent each meditation practitioner, group and organization in Alabama that are apart of the same flower.

Alabama Meditation Network logo camellia

Alabama Meditation Network

Mission Statement

The Alabama Meditation Network (AMN) seeks to connect, support and encourage individuals and meditation communities in Alabama by raising awareness, providing information, and organizing activities that embrace all meditation practices and traditions. In this way, the organization provides regular opportunities for personal growth, community-building, and positive social interaction.

Purpose Statement

The Alabama Meditation Network (AMN) exists to:

    1. Connect solo meditation practitioners with a local group or organization.
    2. Create non-sectarian meditation retreats.

The AMN Leadership

Remco Hoytink

Remco Hoytink

Executive Director

Remco is Executive Vice President of WheelsOnsite USA Inc., and meditates with The Birmingham Shambhala Meditation Center and The Cahaba River Sangha.

Phyllis Mark

Phyllis Mark

Vice President

Remco is Executive Vice President of WheelsOnsite USA Inc., and meditates with The Birmingham Shambhala Meditation Center and The Cahaba River Sangha.

Alabama Meditation Network logo camellia

Aly Workman

Finance Chair

Board Members

Chris Davis

Andrew Keitt

Loraine Locke

Lynn Snow

Will Waggoner

Tonya Weitch

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Retreat Cancellation Policy

Refunds will be available up to two weeks before the retreat.

Later cancelations receive a retreat credit.

Code of Conduct

Alabama Meditation Network

In order to create a safe and welcoming meditation and learning environment, we ask everyone to:

  • Practice acceptance of everyone regardless of gender, race, economic status, or sexual orientation.
  • Cause no harm to others.
  • Refrain from:
    • Sexual misconduct
    • Negative speech
    • The use of drugs or alcohol.
Meditation group icon

Terms & Definitions


Any form of present moment practice which has a foundation of body and breath awareness.

Meditation Community:

Any entity that provides group meditation in a community of equanimity, compassion and acceptance, regardless of gender, race, economic status, or sexual orientation.